Monday, September 7, 2009

Stress Free Sunday

Sunday is a day of rest, or at least it should be. I know there are some Sundays that you just can't relax because life and family happens,no matter what day of the week it is. I usually try to make sure that I get one day that I can relax and my wonderful husband helps ensure that. If my son is home on Sundays, then he will usually take him out for the day and give me the day to myself. I am a voracious book reader and usually reading is planned for somewhere in my day. My dear hubby knows this and usually asks me what I am reading for the day. There is usually a pile of books on the nightstand, by my recliner, and in the bathroom. You get the idea. Just recently we took my son to the oral surgeon for teeth removal for braces, and I forgot to bring a book! Scottie was shocked! So was I! We ended up being there for almost 2 hours, simply waiting to be seen. I kept wishing I had brought my book. Don't you hate that?

I am rattling on again. So yesterday was my rest day, but since we are gearing up to start our official school day tomorrow, I needed to do brainwork. Work on the computer, do some paper planning, and of course get back on track with meal planning. I seem to let that go alot in the summer. We just take it day by day,since I never know when we are trotting off to the pool. Well, when I got finished with all the planning, meals,and dishes, I decided it was time for my weekly retreat. Here is where the picture comes into play. This is my garden tub. I love it! I light a few candles, turn on some classical or piano instrumentals in the background and grab my teacup and book and head to the tub. Remember the old commercials about Calgon,take my away? That is what happens. I get closed off in my own little world and no one bothers me. I get peace and quiet and reading and coffee( yes, that is actually coffee in the tea cup~I don't like tea). I stayed in there for an hour last night and sometimes it has been as long as two. The guys were home last night, doing their own thing, and never even missed me.

Sundays~ such a joy to behold in so many different ways. Peace and comfort. Rest. Good Books. Great coffee. Pretty China teacups. Who could ask for more?

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